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Starting the year off by researching different topics which will contribute to the future development of the game project and being able to explore the chosen topic more in-depth.


Why Do We Take Drugs?

Enjoyment: Although there are clearly risks involved in using drugs and negative side effects can be experienced, the evidence of drug use within youth culture suggests it is often a pleasurable experience. People who use drugs may like the feelings of excitement, confidence and connection with others which some drugs can elicit. Drugs may also help relieve feelings of boredom.


Curiosity: Humans are naturally curious and want to experiment with different experiences. For some, drugs are a good conversation point.


Defence Mechanism / Self Medicating: Some people will use drugs to help them forget about their problems including any traumatic experiences they may have had. Drugs may also be seen as a way to help people relax and deal with stress, or to help deal with anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.


Natural Rebellion: With young people in particular, taking drugs can be part of natural rebellion. Drug use may act as a means of defiance or may be associated with belonging to an alternative culture.

Psychedelic Drug’s effects and It's Stories:

What Effects Does it Do?


Psychedelic are a type of drug that changes a person's perception of reality. Also known as ‘hallucinogens’, psychedelic drugs make a person see, feel and hear things that aren't real, or distort their interpretation of what's going on around them. Some are quick acting; others take longer to take effect.

Mike Pollan's book explores if psychedelics drugs could change the world's overview on them and learning the history of different types of psychedelics drugs from LSD in 1940's to psilocybins in 1950's. The books also explores how new development of using these drugs could improve the people's lives with use of these psychedelic drugs. 


By reading this book i'm able to learn more in-depth what each different drugs does to the human brain and what people sense like sight, touch, smell and taste. This help me understand everyone has different effect each other and this could lead these different stories of each person experience on different types of drugs.

Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics

Have a Good Trip: Adventture in Psychedelics is a 2020 documentary looking into these celebrities anecdotes and their hallucinogenic drug usage. From Sting, to the late Carrie Fisher and many more. Each person has different experiences of these psychedelic drugs, which great example of how there big different experience from each other. The documentary uses these short animation while the celebrity is talking giving a idea how the effects of the drugs is doing to the person that is talking.

UK’s Favourite Drugs:

1. Opioids

The UK has the largest reported opioid-using population in Europe.


2. Cocaine

Powder cocaine is the most commonly used stimulant in the UK. All countries in the UK have seen large increases in the numbers of deaths involving cocaine (powder or crack) over the past decade.



There has been an increase in the prevalence of 15 year olds in England who have used benzodiazepines at some time in their life, from 0.5% in 2014 to 1.7% in 2018.


4.MDMA and Ecstasy

Use of MDMA by children and young adults has increased in recent years. Prevalence among 16 to 19 year olds in England and Wales was 4.5% in 2018 to 2019, the highest since 2001 to 2002.



Prevalence of ketamine use in the last year among adults in England and Wales is currently the highest on record, at 0.8%.


(UK Gov Drug Situation Summary 2019)


What is Urban Exploring?

Urban exploration allows you to see and experience locations very few people ever have. It gives you a greater appreciation of the local history, and you feel an increased affinity with each location and its surrounding community.

When Did Urban Exploring Started?

Curiosity about abandoned places has fostered urban exploration for centuries. But many credit a counterculture group known as the Suicide Club, formed in­ San Francisco in the late 1970s, as the progenitors of modern urban exploration. This group undertook tours of utility tunnels and old hospitals around the city and threw dinner parties in strange places like the Golden Gate Bridge. The Suicide Club, in part, helped to point out that there are vast, forgotten areas of the urban landscape and suggested that perhaps there’s some value in infiltrating these places. And thus, urban exploration was born.

This is a video I watched to understand better how to start urban exploring from finding locations, entering the sites, how to avoid getting caught and how to capture the environment with a camera.


What is Virtual Worlds?

A virtual world is a computer-simulated environment which may be populated by many users who can create a personal avatar, and simultaneously and independently explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others. 

Why Do People Use These Virtual Worlds?

Many players use virtual worlds to escape from problems in real life. These problems can get worse and worse over time and push the player further and further into the virtual world. In real life, these people become isolated and eventually their problems become unmanageable.


What is Loneliness?

One common description of loneliness is the feeling we get when our need for rewarding social contact and relationships is not met. But loneliness is not always the same as being alone. You may choose to be alone and live happily without much contact with other people, while others may find this a lonely experience.

Why Some People Like Being Alone Compared to Other People?

 Introverts can also sometimes be conidered loners. These are people who enjoy time alone, not necessarily because they don’t like being around other people, but rather because they are more interested in their own inner thoughts and feelings. Spending quality time by themselves is how they can regain energy.

Loneliness can also be attributed to internal   factors such as low self-esteem. People who lack confidence in themselves often believe that they are unworthy of the attention or regard of other people, which can lead to isolation and chronic loneliness. Personality factors may also play a role.



When reading the feedback from my PowerPoint presentation, people were interested in urban exploration or recreational drugs. Some suggestions from each topic are helpful for me when choosing which theme I want to develop further in the project and possibly turn into a game.


The topic I chose to develop even further will the Urban Exploration due to how versatile the subject is and the multiple branches it could take the project when I research more in phase two.



       [Accessed 15th October 2022].

       [Accessed: 16th October 2022].

       [Accessed October 17th 2022].



Urban Exploring:

       [Accessed 16th October 2022].

       [Accessed 17th October 2022].

       [Accessed: 17th October 2022].

       [Accessed 17th October  2022].


Virtual Worlds:

       [Accessed 16th October 2022].

       [Accessed 16 October 2022].

       [Accessed 17th October 2022].



       [Accessed 15th October 2022].


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